Thursday, 31 May 2012

Games design - Final Entry

With this week comes the end of my work on this project. This week I gave the game to various play testers to see their reactions and thoughts on the game whilst I worked on the final art work.

Whilst the game was being tested, I took every temporary asset in the game and replaced them will full graphics that fit the visual design I laid out for myself in my concept sketches. The ship and enemy's all have shading and animated parts to make them feel less static and a their are a variety of animations to ensure that the graphics do not feel flat and interactive.

From the testing, I received a number of points that I have managed to fix such as the missile explosions being to small to warrant use of the powerup or the invincibility frames taking too long and forcing the player into disadvantageous positions. Using these, I have managed to tune my game up much stronger than it would be without testing. There are still a few wayward bugs that I hope to crush before final release, but I do believe the game is about as ready as It needs to be.

 I am quite happy with the progress and I believe the game meet its needs quite well.
Thank you for reading

Games design - Ninth entry

This week I have finally finished the various coding jobs that I needed to complete before working on the art assets and finishing my game. This week I have worked on the final enemy type, the implementation of a boss, menu screens and a game over screen. I also implemented a lives system and made a few extra animations to show the player flying away from the game once the boss has been defeated.

The first thing I worked on was a new enemy type that spawns towards the end of the game. This enemy is very similar to the basic shooter that I made last week, however the bullets this one fires head towards the player instead of just statically flying in one direction. This forces the player to move a great deal more and adds to the challenge.

I also created a boss that will fly in very slowly in a similar way to how the player fly's back in when they die. The boss will take 60 hits to kill and missiles will count for three hits. I also wanted to make it so that the boss had an attack pattern so I made the boss consistently move up and down whilst firing cannons above and below the player, forcing the player to match his movement or be destroyed.  Upon the destruction of this boss, the player fly's off and the game skips to the victory screen that has a replay button place onto it.

I also created a start game menu that allows the player time to prepare before the game begins to play. If the player runs out of lives, the game over screen will contain a button to take him back to the menu screen.

Next week, I will be producing the final graphics for the game and testing it to ensure no bugs remain and the game is officially finalised.

Games design - Eighth entry

This week, I focused on a variety of different coding elements to help bring my game closer and closer to being finished. I focused on adding a new enemy and coding in the various upgrades and visual differences that they will bring. This involved making a system that allows the player controlled sprite to be deleted and replaced with one very similar without the player noticing.

The first and most important thing I created for this week was the replacement system that allows for sprite and animations transitions without the player noticing. This allows me to replace the player sprite with an upgrade animation when an animation is picked up and then that animation with the final upgraded sprite. This also allows me to replace the player sprite with an explosion when he loses a life and then place a flying back in animation at a pre-determind location. This allowed me to create a variety of upgrades for the player and have a pickup replace the player sprite with an animation of the upgrade upgrading, and then that with the final upgraded sprite with its new attributes. With this system, I created three different upgrades that will drop randomly from various enemy's depending on how hard they are to kill. 

I also created a new enemy that fly's towards the players side of the screen slower than the pattern flyer but shoots a bullet every 2-4 seconds and takes two hits to kill (One if its the missile). This enemy will be placed less sparsely than the pattern flyer but it will be done in locations that force the player to move in the way of the pattern flyer's, increasing the challenge.

For next weeks work, I want to implement the final enemy type, a boss and some menus, which should finish off the programming aspects of my game.

Games design - Seventh entry

This week, I created the first enemy to be used in my game and also worked on a collision system for the enemy's, player and his bullets.

The first thing I worked on was the basic enemy that will be created via a wave system that I will implement at a later date. This enemy fly towards the players screen whilst moving upwards and downwards whilst never travelling off of screen up or down ways. Depending on whether or not this enemy is higher or lower than the middle of the screen upon creation will determine the initial direction of movement on the Y plane. Also upon creation, this enemy spawns four more of itself behind it that all have the same attributes that it does bar a few seconds later so they do not move at precisely the same time.

I also programmed in a basic collision system that replaces enemy sprites with an explosion animation when they collide with a bullet.Once said explosion animation has finished playing the explosion will disappear.

Next week I will be working on the second kind of enemy and the upgrade system for my game.
Thank you for reading

Games design - Sixth entry

This week I began development of my flash game. Using very basic shapes with writing on top of them to serve as placeholders, I began coding in various key game aspects such as navigation systems and weapons systems. Now, after a weeks worth of work, I have programmed in a full movement system that allows the player to move around the screen using the arrow keys but is stopped the moment they approach the sides of the screen.

I also worked on making a basic weapons system to pave the way for a more advanced system later on. The first thing that I developed for this was creating a bullet that, on creation, fly's to the right side of the screen at a stable speed.  I then made it so that the player ship spawns one of these when the SPACE BAR  key is held down. I also added in a delay so the bullets to not come out in a direct stream.

Next week I need to create a type  of enemy that fly's towards the players screen and is destroyed on collision with a bullet, the player or if it fly's off of screen.
As always, thanks for reading.

Games design - Fifth entry

Having splintered off into our own separate projects, I have now begun designing and producing my own game.This week I worked on the design for my game both visually and conceptually. I first wrote up a vareity of important aspects about my game such as :
  • Visual style
  • Game play elements
  • Game play structure
 Once I had a full design to work to, I filled a sketch book with a variety of sketches such as enemy and player models, upgrades and environments. Having a clear visual style to work to will make the asset production easier and having a complete design document will make comprehensive and cognitive game production possible. Next week I hope to have the initial games production underway with movement and basic weapons firing created.

Thanks for reading

Games design - Fourth entry

This week, things have changed quite considerably both in management and team direction. Due to poor management and inconsistent team work, the team has had to splinter into individual members producing their own games. This is because the game we are currently working on is taking far too long and the management for the team has gotten to the point where even if the goals were reasonable we would be unable to make our final goals.

This means that I am going to have to work separately from the team to create my own game. I will first need to work on creating a strong design to work to, both visually and in a document to help structure my production. I will then program the game using rudimentary graphics and finally produce the artists assets and sounds for the game.

I hope to have the designs finished by the end of next week. Thanks for reading

Friday, 30 March 2012

New week, New work

Hello again gentlefolk

Today I have to write anouther analysis for this week of work in my games production class.
This week I worked on creating more designes for the various enemeys and fleshing out some of the concepts for the animations based on each individual character.

The project is really starting to advance in a good direction, with progress being made in each area and every teammember knowing precisely what they have to do. We also finnally have some asset lists to work to, which gives the art team much needed direction in knowing what we need to do. I am quite happy with my own progress, making good advances on the various animation storyboards and on the redesignes for each enemy that needs them.

Next week I should be finished will all of the various character designes and animation storyboards and should be working on producing the various assets and animations that will be needed for the final game.

Thanks again for reading, and have a great day

Friday, 23 March 2012

Games design - Second entry

Hello again fellow gentlefolk.
Looks like I have to update this thing again for my college course so I'd best get on with it.
This week I have been finishing designs for the various bosses and enemies of the game, getting their visual style just so for the game before we begin asset production.

I also created the final concept designs for the human base system which have now been handed over to Vicky for final creation so we can create the various enemy assets based on a normal human body type.
Next week I will be finalising designs on all of my already created works and then proceeding to conceptually create the animations before the assets are created and ready to work with.

The project itself seems to be progressing at a good speed, with the management slowly working thanks to Owens intervening and the teams will to work.Josh seems to be getting to grips with the programming and producing high enough quality work and it seems overall that this project is finally kicking off.

Hopefully next week I will have the same positive attitude about things.
Have a good one guys.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Games production - My pitch evaluation

Hello again gentlefolk
It seems to have been along time since I updated this thing. Even now I suppose that I am only doing this because its required for my course, but lets get on with it regardless.

This Thursday I had to give a pitch presentation on my current progress on the games production and my particular job roles progress. In this project I am a both an artist and an animator, producing assets and then giving them movement for the game.
So far, My work has been purely conceptual, producing concept sketch's that showcase how the various enemies will look, act and move. I have also designs a "Base" system for the humanoids that will allow for easy animation and creation of human variants such as different types of bandit.

To showcase this to a potential investor, I created a few slides and prepared a few key cards that would help me talk about the systems I had designed and visuals I would be creating for the game. I included several points about my job such as why I had chosen to make so many different bandits and how I was designing each creature to be unique. I also included a variety of examples of my concept sketch's that showcased humans and creatures alike, fully annotated and drawn with multiple poses. This allows the potential investor to get a good insight into my design process and how the final assets might look.

I also talked about how the animation system would work and how it would allow us to create custom animations for each character relatively quickly and precisely. I showed some quick storyboards that showcased movement and body styles. This allows the potential investor to see how I will be producing the animations and why the system I have created will work.

When it came down to my own performance, I believe that I presented myself rather clearly with only a few moments where I stuttered and had trouble conveying clear points. Whilst I had brought a blazer to the pitch to help with my professional appearance, a good Friend and team member has spilt paint on themselves so I lent it to them to cover the paint. This mildly impacted my appearance and could of had an effect on the way the investor perceives me.
Regardless of this, I still believe that I manged to perform acceptably and convey the important points quickly and concisely. The only major problem I had was that I began to talk about my methodology too heavily in the second part of my presentation. Whilst my methodology is important, it is not the kind of thing that Potential investor needs or wants to know, as it does not showcase results or planed results.

I believe that my section of the pitch went quite satisfactory and showcased all that it needed to with clarity.
Thank you for reading through this fellow gentlefolk, and have a pleasant day.