Thursday 31 May 2012

Games design - Ninth entry

This week I have finally finished the various coding jobs that I needed to complete before working on the art assets and finishing my game. This week I have worked on the final enemy type, the implementation of a boss, menu screens and a game over screen. I also implemented a lives system and made a few extra animations to show the player flying away from the game once the boss has been defeated.

The first thing I worked on was a new enemy type that spawns towards the end of the game. This enemy is very similar to the basic shooter that I made last week, however the bullets this one fires head towards the player instead of just statically flying in one direction. This forces the player to move a great deal more and adds to the challenge.

I also created a boss that will fly in very slowly in a similar way to how the player fly's back in when they die. The boss will take 60 hits to kill and missiles will count for three hits. I also wanted to make it so that the boss had an attack pattern so I made the boss consistently move up and down whilst firing cannons above and below the player, forcing the player to match his movement or be destroyed.  Upon the destruction of this boss, the player fly's off and the game skips to the victory screen that has a replay button place onto it.

I also created a start game menu that allows the player time to prepare before the game begins to play. If the player runs out of lives, the game over screen will contain a button to take him back to the menu screen.

Next week, I will be producing the final graphics for the game and testing it to ensure no bugs remain and the game is officially finalised.

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