Thursday, 31 May 2012

Games design - Sixth entry

This week I began development of my flash game. Using very basic shapes with writing on top of them to serve as placeholders, I began coding in various key game aspects such as navigation systems and weapons systems. Now, after a weeks worth of work, I have programmed in a full movement system that allows the player to move around the screen using the arrow keys but is stopped the moment they approach the sides of the screen.

I also worked on making a basic weapons system to pave the way for a more advanced system later on. The first thing that I developed for this was creating a bullet that, on creation, fly's to the right side of the screen at a stable speed.  I then made it so that the player ship spawns one of these when the SPACE BAR  key is held down. I also added in a delay so the bullets to not come out in a direct stream.

Next week I need to create a type  of enemy that fly's towards the players screen and is destroyed on collision with a bullet, the player or if it fly's off of screen.
As always, thanks for reading.

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